Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Girl Who Silenced the UN For 5 Minutes

At a 1992 UN Earth Summit conference in Rio de Janeiro, 12-year-old Severn Suzuki put the smack down on stunned listeners.

"Making Grown Men Shut-Up and Listen Since 1991."
Karma's a "bitch", ain't it?

brought to you by
Static at
a maverick in the world of Hobo Blogging.


  1. Everything she said was true in the video, regarding our pollution of the environment, holes in the ozone and all the rest. She was a brave girl who spoke the truth. I clicked the link you provided to see what she was up to now and I thought the Ambassador for Rare video was good, too. She really spoke the truth in that one, too, and it was interesting.

    My theory is this: Like she said, currently, governments aren't going to implement change unless they are forced by people. And down the road, when things go from bad to worse and we no longer have clean drinking water and we've run out of natural resources and we've ruined the air we breathe, then people will beg the governments to step in. Unfortunately, I think it will be too late by then. The damage will be irreparable. The only thing that's important to military/industrial nations like the U.S. is money and power. They don't want to face the facts that as the planet/environment continues to suffer from our abuse, so shall we. We need to start thinking as one race of people, helping to save ourselves from ourselves, instead of separate groups, divided in our thinking and attacking one another in various ways.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Forgive me...So what you are saying is we need girls with big vaginae to combat global warming?

  4. No, no, Rafael. We need sexy-time with girls who have big vaginae to combat global warming. In the 60s it was "Make Love, Not War" and in the 2010s it's "Make Sexy-Time With Girls Who Have Big Vaginae, Not Gaping Holes In The Ozone Layer (or just Global Warming)".

  5. This shit keeps getting weirder and weirder by the minute.

  6. Wait! But I haven't told you about my testes-satchel.

  7. WTF is this shit. Y'all lost yo goddamn minds or somethin'? Santa knows what he's gettin' you next Christmas. Birth control--'cause you should learn from your parents mistakes.

  8. I'd love to help you out, Rafael...which way did you come in?

  9. Long live the big ol' man-eatin' vaginae!

  10. Back to my testes-satchel...have you seen a pair of bears wrestle before? This is vaguely like gazing upon my satchel. My satchel is so large that I just sit around on my nuts. People come over to the house and they thinks I'm just sitting on giant flesh colored bean bag. Once I took bullet to satchel just to prove how tough I is, but bullet ricocheted off of testes-satchel and shot some kid in face. I almost felt sorry for him, but he had it coming. Nobody can step to my nuts. My wife was bitching at me one day, so I tossed my testes-satchel at her. BAM. Knocked the bitch out cold. The best teabagging she ever received, and I wasn't even trying. HIGH FIVE!!

  11. I've never heard of a vagina with cold air coming out of it. Do they have such things in Kazakhstan?

  12. @ Gorilla Bananas: I believe we call those "snow blowers". And to the people of Kazakhstan it should go without saying, do not put your penis in that. But if you do, please video tape the resultant effects for their comedic value. We thank you. HIGH FIVE!


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