Sunday, August 19, 2012

Historical Facts Are Like Silly Putty

You can twist, mold and stretch the truth. Yes? Spasiba, comrades!


  1. You've given all of us here a lot to ponder over. I've read in historical journals that Joseph Stalin often fucked roosters before noon, till they bled out into a bowl. The bowl of fowl blood would then be given to Stalin's private cook to be turned into a special treat that Stalin would enjoy before bedtime. It was called Ass-Reamed Rooster Sherbet.

    Thank you for a most fascinating post.

    1. You are most welcome, comrade. I raise a bowl of Ass-Reamed Rooster Sherbet in your name. Spasiba! Das vadanya!

  2. Ah yes, another thoughtful points to ponder, article by your illustrious self! And thanks to Kelly, yes that highly regarded blogger and much loved by man and beast. Moving on, Stalin was the captain of the USSR lets puke Vodka on the steps of the Kremlin after a night out having group sex with a load of wayward goats milling about in Moscow, team. A group of these fine athletes won a gold medal, comrade, in the Goodwill Games in a city you might of heard of..

    1. Was this city called Moscow? I have heard of it, but from what I understand Kabul, Afghanistan is a much nicer city, partly because the Mujahideen have erected a statue of Brezhnev with Gorbachev's head buried up his ass. Bozhe moy! Tak smeshno! Hahaha!!

  3. Hmm, visited via Kelly's "Psycho Carnival" suggestion. My goodness this is a funny sight... site...
    I had an uncle who was a hobo and rode the trains... always going places. Said he could tell how good or bad the economy was doing by the size of the cigarette butts people threw on the ground. Damn, can't even find a butt today.(Historical shit, not made up) :))

    1. Hi, Dixie. Thank you and welcome. You can call me Static, Jesus the hobo, Rafael Clarkstein, Black Santa Claus and/or MEasterBunny. I write entries under all those pseudonyms. But you cannot call me Julio because that is actually a different hobo who writes here.

      We aren't real hobos. We're fake or wannabe hobos. And we aren't trying to mock hobos either. I guess you could say that we worship them. Okay, we kind of make fun of them too. Simply because maybe by telling humorous stories from non-hobo perspectives it may enlighten others that normally wouldn't give hobos the time of day. It might give them a better understanding of hobos; that they ARE people too, deserving of attention and consideration just like everyone else.

      Your uncle sounds like an interesting character. I believe you can still tell how good or bad the economy is by observing the SIZE of PEOPLE'S butts. No matter how poor some of them claim to be, they sure have FAT effing asses compared to people who are literally starving. So the economy can't be that bad in my opinion. Just saying.


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